Attuale ruolo: Prof. Ordinario
Edificio: PTV
Piano: 1°
Studio: st. 147-Laboratorio analisi cliniche
Telefono: 06 20902262
1986: Doctor of Medicine, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
1990: Postgraduate specialization in Pediatrics, University of Rome Tor Vergata
1990-1991: Internship at the Department of Endocrinology, Karolinska Sjukhuset, Stockholm
1995: PhD in Paediatrics, University of Rome Tor Vergata
1998: Postgraduate Specialization in Clinical Biochemistry, University of Camerino
Work Experience
1997-2010: Research consultant in Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biochemistry, Bambino Gesù Children Hospital, Rome.
1998-2001: Researcher in Clinical Biochemistry at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
2000-present: Member of the Professors’ Committee for the PhD programme in Biochemical Sciences, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
2002-2012: President of undergraduate course in “Diagnostic laboratory techniques in the medical field”.
2002-2006: Associate Professor in Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biochemistry at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
2007-present: Full Professor in Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biochemistry at the Department of Experimental Medicine and Surgery, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
2008-2010: Visiting scientist at the Medical Research Council-Toxicology Unit, Leicester, U.K
2012-present: Director of the Postgraduate Specialization in Clinical Biochemistry University of Tor Vergata
2012-present: Director of the Postgraduate Master in “Ethical regulatory and methodological aspects of clinical trials” University of Tor Vergata
2013-present: President of degree course in Pharmacy, University of Tor Vergata
Current Teaching Responsibilities
Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology in the following Courses at the University of Tor Vergata, Rome:
- Bachelor course in Diagnostic laboratory techniques in the medical field;
- Degree courses in Medicine, Medical Biotechnologies;
- School of Sport and Exercise Sciences;
- Postgraduate courses in Clinical Biochemistry, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Medical Genetics, Allergology and Immunology, Paediatrics, Surgery
- Degree Course in Pharmacy.
Scientific Interests
From 1984 to 1991 my research focused on paediatric endocrinology with particular interest in growth hormone and insulin like growth factors and their binding proteins. From 1991 to 1998 my studies concentrated on the role of the molecules described above and on retinoids in the apoptotic pathways in oncology, in particular neuroblastoma.
Since 1998 I have focused on Glutathione transferases, a family of enzymes involved in cell detoxification and in the control of the programmed cell death. This work has concentrated on the role of those enzymes in the mechanisms responsible for drug resistance depending on changes in the redox status of the cell. As part of this research I have set up and managed a cell and molecular biology laboratory able to perform qRT-PCR and microarray for differential gene expression as well as some applications in Proteomics.
Since 2003 I have collaborated in the application of molecular biology methods and techniques in research applied to neurodegenerative diseases, oncology and pharmacogenetics.
Since 2009 I have collaborated in the application of molecular biology and biochemical methods to monitoring of sport training and performance.
Hospital Work
1994 to 1997: assistant to the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory of Bambino Gesù Children Hospital of Rome.
2000 to 2006: I managed the Allergology and Autoimmunity sections at the Tor Vergata University Hospital of Rome.
2007-2012: Head physician of the Clinical Molecular Biology Unit.
2012-present: Head physician of the Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Emergency Units
Member of :
Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC)
2012-present: Secretary of the International Federation Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC)
Nato a Roma il 2 Marzo 1961.
Titoli di studio e accademici
16/10/1986: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.
16/7/1990: Specializzazione in Pediatria presso la Clinica Pediatrica dell’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
1990-1991 : interno presso il Dipartimento di Endocrinologia del Karolinska
26/10/95 conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Scienze Pediatriche (Auxologia)
5/11/98 conseguimento della Specializzazione in Biochimica e Chimica Clinica presso l’Università di Camerino.
Dal 1/11/2009 presta servizio in qualità di Professore ordinario c/o il Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Cattedra di Biochimica Clinica dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata.
2002-2013 Presidente del Consiglio di Corso di Laurea in Tecniche Diagnostiche di Laboratorio Biomedico dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata.
Dal 2011 è Direttore della scuola di Specializzazione in Biochimica Clinica dell’Università
degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata .
Dal 2012 è Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea in Farmacia in lingua inglese dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (Degree of Pharmacy).
E’ membro del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze Biochimiche dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata.
2008-2010: Visiting Scientist press oil Medical Research Council-Toxicology Unit, Leicester, UK
Dal 2012 è segretario della International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC).
Insegna Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica presso i seguenti Corsi di Laurea dell’Università di Tor Vergata: Medicina, Tecniche Diagnostiche di Laboratorio Biomedico, Educazione Professionale, Tecnico della Prevenzione Ambiente e luoghi di Lavoro, Scienze e Tecniche dello Sport, Farmacia.
Insegnamento presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Gastroenterologia dell’Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata: “Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica” (dal 2001).
Insegna Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica presso i seguenti Corsi di Specializzazione dell’Università di Tor Vergata: Neurologia, Genetica Medica, Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica,Pediatria, Cardiochirurgia.
Interessi scientifici
Dal 1984 al 1991 ha svolto attività di ricerca indirizzata principalmente a tematiche di Endocrinologia pediatrica. Successivamente ha approfondito lo studio delle proteine leganti sia l’ormone della crescita (GH-BPs) che le IGFs (IGF-BPs). Dal 1991 al 1998 l’attività di ricerca si è indirizzata verso lo studio di fattori di crescita e controllo dei meccanismi apoptotici in ambito oncologico con particolare riguardo al neuroblastoma. Dal 1998 l’attività di ricerca è stata finalizzata allo studio delle glutatione transferasi (GSTs). Dal 2003 l’attività di ricerca si è ampliata grazie a numerose collaborazioni con i colleghi clinici del Policlinico Univeritario Tor Vergata, in particolare è stato affrontato il ruolo delle GSTs nell’ambito delle malattie neurodegenerative e nell’ambito dell’oncologia urologica. Dal 2009 è stato attivata una linea di ricerca relativa alla biochimica dell’esercizio fisico e della performance sportiva in collaborazione con le Scienze Motorie dell’Università di Tor Vergata.
Attività assistenziale
Dal 1994 al 1997 ha svolto attività assistenziale nell’ambito della Biochimica Clinica presso l’Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù di Roma (Primario Prof. G. Federici) acquisendo ulteriori esperienze di chimica clinica, immunoenzimatica, radioimmunologia, ematologia e coagulazione.
A partire dall’anno 2000 ha participato all’organizzazione del Laboratorio di Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica del Policlinico Universitario di Tor Vergata dove è attualmente Direttore della U.O.C. di Biochimica Clinica e Centro Prelievi e della U.O.C. Urgenze di Laboratorio.
Pubblicazioni 2010-2014
Sancesario G, Esposito Z, Nuccetelli M, BERNARDINI S, Sorge R, Martorana A, Federici G, Bernardi G, Sancesario G.
Selective influence of handling temperature on detection of Ab42 in the CSF of Alzheimer’s disease: indication of a reversibile processoo f Ab42 aggregation?
Exp. Neurology 2010;223:371-376.
Spalletta G, Morris DW, Angelucci F, Rubino IA, Spoletini I, Bria P, Martinetti G, Siracusano A, Bonaviri G, BERNARDINI S, Caltagirone C, Bossù P, Donohoe G, Gill M, and Corvin AP. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with overt aggression in schizophrenia.
Eur Psychiatry 2010; 25:311-313.
Sayan BS, Yang AL, Conforti F, BERNARDINI S, Tucci P, Vasa-Nicotera M, Knight RA, Melino G.
Induction of Tap63 by histone deacetylase inhibitors.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010, 22:1748-51
Gaziev J, Spitaleri L, Lucarelli G, Mozzi AF, Nguyen L, Puozzo C, Dannoso Perrone M, Sodani P, Andreani M, Gravina P, Formosa A, Federici G, BERNARDINI S, Marziali M, Isgrò A.
Novel Pharmacokinetic behavior of intravenous busulfan in children with talassemia undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a prospective eveluation of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodinamic profile with therapeutic drug monitoring. Blood, 2010; 115(22):4597-604.
Kalimutho M, Del Vecchio Blanco G, Gravina P, Cretella M, Mannucci L, Mannisi E, Formosa A, Pallone F, Federici G, BERNARDINI S.
Quantitative denaturino high performance liquid chromatography (Q-dHPLC) detection of APC Long DNA in faeces from colorectal cancer patients. CCLM 2010; 48(9):1303-11.
Liguori PF, Valentini A, Palma MG, Bellusci A, BERNARDINI S, Ghedini M, Panno ML, Pettinari C, Marchetti F, Crispini A, Pucci D.
Non classical anticancer agents: synthesis and biological evaluation of zinc(II) heteroleptic complexes. Dalton Trans 2010; 39:4205-4212.
Ticconi C, Rotondi F, Veglia M, Pietropolli A, BERNARDINI S, Ria F, Caruso A, Di Simone N.
Antinuclear autoantibodies in women with recurrent pregnancy loss. Am J Reprod Immunol 2010; 64(6):384-92.
Sayan BS, Li Yang A, Conforti F, Tucci P, Piro C, Browne GJ, Agostini M, BERNARDINI S, Knight RA, Mak TW, Melino G.
Differential control of Tap73 and DNp73 protein stability by the ring finger ubiquitin ligase PIR2. PNAS 2010;107:12877-82.
D’Aguanno S, Franciotta D, Lupisella S, Barassi A, Pieragostino D, Lugaresi A, Centonze D, D’Eril GM, BERNARDINI S, Federici G, Urbani A.
Protein profiling of Guillain-Barrè Syndrome cerebrospinal fluid by two dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.
Neurosci Lett. 2010; 485:49-54.
Ricci V, Pomponi M, Martinotti G, Bentivoglio A, Loria G, BERNARDINI S, Caltagirone C, Bria P, Angelucci F.
Antidepressant treatment restores Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor serum levels and ameliorates motor function in Parkinson disease patients.
J Clin Psychopharmacology 2010; 30: 751-753.
Mori F, Rossi S, Sancesario G, Codecà C, Mataluni G, Monteleone F, Buttari F, Kusayanagi H, Castelli M, Motta C, Studer V, Bernardi G, Koch G, Bernardini S, Centonze D.
Cognitive and Cortical Plasticity Deficits Correlate with Altered Amyloid-β CSF Levels in Multiple Sclerosis.
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011;36:559-568.
Rossi S, Buttari F, Studer V, Motta C, Gravina P, Castelli M, Mantovani V, Di Chiara V, Musella A, Fiore S, Masinin S, Bernardi G, Maccarrone M, BERNARDINI S and Centonze D.
The (AAT)n repeat of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor gene influences disease progression in
relapsing multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis J 2011; 17:281-288.
D’Aguanno S, D’Alessandro A, Pieroni L, Roveri A, Zaccarin M, Marzano V, De Canio M, BERNARDINI S, Federici G, Urbani A. New insights into neuroblastoma cisplatin resistance: a comparative proteomic and meta-mining investigation” Journal of Proteome Research 2011;10:416-428.
Ticconi C, Mancinelli F, Gravina P, Federici G, Piccione E, BERNARDINI S.
Beta-Fibrinogen G-455 Polymorphisms and recurrent miscarriage.
Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 2011; 71:198-201.
Kalimutho M, Del Vecchio Blanco G, Cretella M, Sileri P, Mannisi E, Mannucci L, Gravina P, Formosa A, Pallone F, Federici G, BERNARDINI S.
A non-invasive multi-target Q-dHPLC DNA integrity assay, calprotectin and iFOBT for colorectal cancer detection.
Int J Colorectal Disease. 2011 ; 26:583-592.
Donohoe G, Rose E, Frodl T, Morris D, Spoletini I, Adriano F, Bernardini S,
Caltagirone C, Bossù P, Gill M, Corvin AP, Spalletta G.
ZNF804A risk allele is associated with relatively intact gray matter volume in patients with schizophrenia.
NeuroImage 2011; 54:2132-2137.
Angelucci F, Croce N, Spalletta G, Dionallo V, Gravina P, Boss§ P, Federici G, Caltagirone C, BERNARDINI S.
Paroxetine rapidly modulates the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA and protein in human glioblastoma-astrocytome cell line.
Pharmacology 2011;87:5-10.
Cerasa A, Quattrone A, Gioia MC, Magariello A, Muglia M, Assogna F, BERNARDINI S, Caltagirone C, Bossù P, Spalletta G.
MAO A VNTR Polymorphism and amygdala volume in healthy subjects.
Psychiatry Res 2011; 191:87-91.
Viticchiè G, Lena AM, Latina A, Formosa A, Gregersen LH, Lund AH, Bernardini S, Mauriello A, Miano R, Spagnoli LG, Knight RA, Candi E, Melino G. MiR-203 controls proliferation, migration and invasive potential of prostate cancer cell lines.
Cell Cycle. 2011;10: 1121-31.
Kalimutho M, Minutolo A,Grelli S, Formosa A, Sancesario G, Valentini A, Federici G, BERNARDINI S.
Satraplatin (JM16) modiates G2/M cell cycle arrest and potentiates apoptosis via multiple death pathways in colorectal cells: the next generation of oral platinum targets for colorectal cancer treatment.
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2011 ; 67:1299-312.
Rossi R, Mancino R, Bergami A, Mori F, Castelli M, De Chiara V, Studer V, Mataluni G, Sancesario G, Parisi V, Kasayanagi H, Bernardi G, Nucci C, BERNARDINI S, Martino G, Furlan R, Centonze D.
Potential role of IL-13 in nuroprotection and cortical excitability regulation in multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis 2011 in press.
Kalimutho M, Di Cecilia S, Del Vecchio Blanco G, Roviello F, Sileri P, Cretella M, Formosa A, Corso G, Marrelli D, Pallone F, Federici G, BERNARDINI S.
Epigenetically silenced miR-34b/c as a novel faecal-based screening marker for colorectal cancer.
British Journal of Cancer 2011; 104: 1770-1778.
Mattsson N, Andreasson Ulf, Persson S, Albert M, Arai H, Batish D, BERNARDINI S et al.
The Alzheimer’s Association external quality control program for CSF biomarkers.
Alzheimers Dement. 2011 Jul;7(4):386-395.
Croce N, Dinallo V, Ricci V, Federici G, Caltagirone C, BERNARDINI S, Angelucci F.
Neuroprotective effect of neuro peptide Y against Beta-amyloid 25-35 toxicity in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells is associated with increate neurotrophin production.
Neurodegenerative Diseases 2011; 8: 300-309.
Gravina P, Spoletini I, masini S, Valentini A, Vanni D, Paladini E, Bossù P, Caltagirone C, Federici G, Spalletta G, BERNARDINI S.
Genetic polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferases GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 and GSTA1 as risk factor for schizophrenia.
Psychiatric Research 2011; 187: 454-456.
Kalimutho M, Minutolo A, Grelli S, Federici G, BERNARDINI S.
Platinum-(IV)-derivative Satraplatin mediated G2/M cell cycle perturbation by p53-p21 waf1/cip1-independent pathway in colorectal cancer cells.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2011 Nov;32(11):1387-96.
Kalimutho M, Del Vecchio Blanco G, Di Cecilia S, Sileri P, Cretella M, Formosa A, Pallone F, Federici G and BERNARDINI S.
Differential expression of miR-144* as a novel fecal-based diagnostic marker for colorectal cancer.
Journal of Gastroenterology 2011;46(12):1391-402.
Formosa A, Cristina Piro M, Maturo P, Docimo R, Sollecito DRM, Kalimutho M, Sancesario G, Barlattani A, Melino G, Candi E, and BERNARDINI S.
Salivary miRNA profiles change with dentition period in children.
Cell Cycle 2011 ; 19:3359-3368.
D’Alessandro A, D’Aguanno S, Cencioni MT, Pieroni L, Diamantini A, Battistini L, Longone P, Spalloni A, De Laurenzi V, BERNARDINI S, Federici G, Urbani A. Protein repertoire impact of Ubiquitin-Proteasome System impairment: Insight into the protective role of beta-estradiol.
J Proteomics. 2012 Feb 2;75(4):1440-53.
Formosa A, Lena AM, Markert EK, Cortelli S, Miano R, Mauriello A, Croce N, Vandesompele J, Mestdagh P, Finazzi-Agrò E, Levine AJ, Melino G, BERNARDINI S, Candi E. DNA methylation silences miR-132 in prostate cancer. Oncogene. 2012 in press.
D’Aguanno S, D’Agnano I, De Canio M, Rossi C, BERNARDINI S, Federici G, Urbani A. Shotgun proteomics and network analysis of neuroblastoma cell lines treated with curcumin.
Mol Biosyst. 2012 1;8:1068-77.
Adornetto G, Volpe G, De Stefano A, Martini S, Gallucci G, Manzoni A,
BERNARDINI S, Mascini M, Moscone D. An ELIME assay for the rapid diagnosis ofcoeliac disease.
Anal Bioanal Chem. 2012;403:1191-4..
Monteleone G, Fantini MC, Onali S, Zorzi F, Sancesario G, BERNARDINI S, Calabrese E, Viti F, Monteleone I, Biancone L, Pallone F. Phase I Clinical Trial
of Smad7 Knockdown Using Antisense Oligonucleotide in Patients With Active
Crohn’s Disease.
Mol Ther. 2012; 20:870-6.
Martorana A, Sancesario GM, Esposito Z, Nuccetelli M, Sorge R, Formosa A, Dinallo V, Bernardi G, BERNARDINI S, Sancesario G. Plasmin system of Alzheimer’s disease patients: CSF analysis.
J Neuronal Transmission 2012 ;119;763-9.
Croce N, Ciotti T, Gelfo F, Cortelli S, Federici G, caltagirone C, BERNARDINI S, Angelucci F. Neuropeptide Y protects rat cortical neurons against beta-amyloid toxicity and re-establishes synthesis and release of nerve growth factor.
ACS Chemical Neuroscience 2012; 18:312-8.
Martorana A, Esposito Z, Di Lorenzo F, Giacobbe V, Sancesario GM, Bucchi G, Bonnì S, Bernardini S, Sorge R, Sancesario G, Bernardi G, Caltagirone C, Koch G.
Cerebrospinal fluid levels of Aβ42 relationship with cholinergic cortical activity in Alzheimer’s disease patients.
J Neural Transm, 2012 Jul;119(7):771-8
Sancesario GM, Cencioni MT, Esposito Z, Borsellino G, Nuccetelli M, Martorana A, Battistini L, Sorge R, Spalletta G, Ferrazzoli D, Bernardi G, BERNARDINI S, Sancesario G. The Load of Amyloid-β Oligomers is Decreased in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients.
J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;1;31:865-78.
Gelfo F, Tirassa P, De Bartolo P, Croce N, Bernardini S, Caltagirone C, Petrosini L, Angelucci F. NPY Intraperitoneal Injections Produce Antidepressant-Like Effects and Downregulate BDNF in the Rat Hypothalamus. CNS
Neurosci Ther. 2012 Jun;18(6):487-92.
Spalletta G, Piras F, Gravina P, Bello ML, Bernardini S, Caltagirone C.
Glutathione S-transferase alpha 1 risk polymorphism and increased bilateral
thalamus mean diffusivity in schizophrenia.
Psychiatry Res. 2012;203:180-3.
Sirolli V, Rossi C, Di Castelnuovo A, Felaco P, Amoroso L, Zucchelli M,
Ciavardelli D, Di Ilio C, Sacchetta P, Bernardini S, Arduini A, Bonomini M,
Urbani A. Toward personalized hemodialysis by low molecular weight amino-containing compounds: future perspective of patient metabolic fingerprint.
Blood Transfus. 2012 May;10 Suppl 2:s78-88.
Urbani A, Sirolli V, Lupisella S, Levi-Mortera S, Pavone B, Pieroni L, AmorosoL, Di Vito R, Bucci S, Bernardini S, Sacchetta P, Bonomini M. Proteomic
investigations on the effect of different membrane materials on blood protein
adsorption during haemodialysis.
Blood Transfus. 2012 May;10 Suppl 2:s101-12.
Angeletti S, Battistoni F, Fioravanti M, Bernardini S, Dicuonzo G.
Procalcitonin and mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin test combination in sepsis
Clin Chem Lab Med. 2013 May;51(5):1059-67.
Croce N, Gelfo F, Ciotti MT, Federici G, Caltagirone C, Bernardini S, Angelucci F.
NPY modulates miR-30a-5p and BDNF in opposite direction in an in vitro model of Alzheimer disease: a possible role in neuroprotection?
Mol. Cell. Biochem. 2013 Apr;376(1-2):189-95.
Bonmassar L, Marchesi F, Pascale E, Franzese O, Margison GP, Bianchi A, D’Atri S, BERNARDINI S, Lattuada D, Bonmassar E, Aquino A. Triazene Compounds in theTreatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia: a Short Review and a Case Report.
Curr Med Chem. 2013;20(19):2389-401.
Sacchetti C, Motamedchaboki K, Magrini A, Palmieri G, Mattei M, Bernardini S, Rosato N, Bottini N, Bottini M.
Surface polyethylene glycol conformation influences the protein corona of polyethylene glycol-modified single-walled carbon nanotubes: potential implications on biological performance.
ACS Nano. 2013 Mar 26;7(3):1974-89.
Koch G, Belli L, Giudice TL, Di Lorenzo F, Sancesario GM, Sorge R, BERNARDINI S, Martorana A.
Frailty among Alzheimer’s Disease Patients.
CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2013, 12(4):507-11.
Croce N, Bernardini S, Di Cecca S, Caltagirone C, Angelucci F. Hydrochloric acid alters the effect of l-glutamic acid on cell viability in human
neuroblastoma cell cultures.
Neurosci Methods. 2013 Jul 15;217(1-2):26-30.
Sancesario G, Esposito Z, Mozzi AF, Sancesario GM, Martorana A, Giordano A, Sorge R, Mari B, Spalletta G, Marciani MG, Bernardini S.
Transient global amnesia: linked to a systemic disorder of amino acid catabolism?
J Neurol. 2013 May;260(5):1429-32.
Duranti F, Pieri M, Centonze D, Buttari F, Bernardini S, Dessi M.
Determination of kFLC and K Index in cerebrospinal fluid: A valid alternative to assess intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis.
J Neuroimmunol. 2013 Aug 1. Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23916392.
Matteucci C, Sorrentino R, Bellis L, Ettorre GM, Svicher V, Santoro R, Vennarecci G, Biasiolo A, Pontisso P, Scacciatelli D, Beneduce L, Sarrecchia C, Casalino P, Bernardini S, Pierimarchi P, Garaci E, Puoti C, Rasi G.
Detection of high levels of Survivin-IgM immune complex in sera from hepatitis C virus infected patients with cirrhosis.
Hepatol Res. 2013 Sep 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24102797.
Formosa A, Markert EK, Lena AM, Italiano D, Finazzi-Agro’ E, Levine AJ,
Bernardini S, Garabadgiu AV, Melino G, Candi E. MicroRNAs, miR-154, miR-299-5p, miR-376a, miR-376c, miR-377, miR-381, miR-487b, miR-485-3p, miR-495 and miR-654-3p, mapped to the 14q32.31 locus, regulate proliferation, apoptosis, migration and invasion in metastatic prostate cancer cells.
Oncogene. 2013 Oct 28. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24166498.
Rossi S, Bozzali M, Bari M, Mori F, Studer V, Motta C, Buttari F, Cercignani M, Gravina P, Mastrangelo N, Castelli M, Mancino R, Nucci C, Sottile F, Bernardini S, Maccarrone M, Centonze D. Association between a Genetic Variant of Type-1 Cannabinoid Receptor and Inflammatory Neurodegeneration in Multiple Sclerosis.
PLoS One. 2013 Dec 31;8(12):e82848.
Mattsson N, Andreasson U, Persson S, Carrillo MC, Collins S, Chalbot S, et al., Alzheimer’s Association QC Program Work Group. CSF biomarker variability in the Alzheimer’s Association quality control program.
Alzheimers Dement. 2013;9(3):251-61.
Noce A, Fabrini R, Dessì M, Bocedi A, Santini S, Rovella V, Pastore A, Tesauro M, Bernardini S, Di Daniele N, Ricci G.
Erythrocyte glutathione transferase activity: a possible early biomarker for blood toxicity in uremic diabetic patients.
Acta Diabetol. 2014; 51: 219-224.
Rossi S, Motta C, Studer V, Barbieri F, Buttari F, Bergami A, Sancesario G, Bernardini S, De Angelis G, Martino G, Furlan R, Centonze D.
Tumor necrosis factor is elevated in progressive multiple sclerosis and causes excitotoxic neurodegeneration.
Mult Scler. 2014; 20:304-12.
Santone C, Dinallo V, Paci M, D’Ottavio S, Barbato G, Bernardini S.
Saliva metabolomics by NMR for the evaluation of sport performance.
J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2014 Jan;88:441-6.
Croce N, Mathé AA, Gelfo F, Caltagirone C, Bernardini S, Angelucci F. Effects of lithium and valproic acid on BDNF protein and gene expression in an in vitro human neuron-like model of degeneration.
J Psychopharmacol. 2014 Apr 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24699060.
Dessì M, Noce A, Bertucci P, Noce G, Rizza S, De Stefano A, Manca di
Villahermosa S, Bernardini S, De Lorenzo A, Di Daniele N. Plasma and erythrocyte membrane phospholipids and fatty acids in Italian general population and hemodialysis patients.
Lipids Health Dis. 2014 Mar 21;13(1):54.
Liguori C, Placidi F, Albanese M, Nuccetelli M, Izzi F, Marciani MG, Mercuri
NB, Bernardini S, Romigi A.
CSF beta-amyloid levels are altered in narcolepsy: a
link with the inflammatory hypothesis?
J Sleep Res. 2014 Feb 19. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12130
Massimi A, Malaponti M, Federici L, Vinciguerra D, Manca Bitti ML, Vottero A, Ghizzoni L, Maccarrone M, Cappa M, Bernardini S, Porzio O.
Functional and
structural analysis of four novel mutations of CYP21A2 gene in italian patients
with 21-hydroxylase deficiency.
Horm Metab Res. 2014 Jun;46(7):515-20.
Greco V, Pieragostino D, Piras C, Aebersold R, Wiltfang J, Caltagirone C,
Bernardini S, Urbani A.
Direct Analytical Sample Quality Assessment (DASQ) for
Biomarker Investigation: qualifying CSF samples.
Proteomics. 2014 Jul 15. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201300565.
Angelucci F, Gelfo F, Fiore M, Croce N, Mathé AA, Bernardini S, Caltagirone C.
The effect of neuropeptide Y on cell survival and neurotrophin expression in
in-vitro models of Alzheimer’s disease.
Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2014 Jun 13:1-10.
Doldo E, Costanza G, Ferlosio A, Passeri D, Bernardini S, Scioli MG, MazzagliaD, Agostinelli S, Del Bufalo D, Czernobilsky B, Orlandi A.
CRBP-1 Expression in Ovarian Cancer: A Potential Therapeutic Target.
Anticancer Res. 2014 Jul;34(7):3303-12.
Rapanotti MC, Suarez Viguria TM, Costanza G, Ricozzi I, Pierantozzi A, Di
Stefani A, Campione E, Bernardini S, Chimenti S, Orlandi A, Bianchi L. Sequential molecular analysis of circulating MCAM/MUC18 expression: a promising disease biomarker related to clinical outcome in melanoma.
Arch Dermatol Res. 2014Aug; 306(6):527-37.
Amadoro G, Corsetti V, Sancesario GM, Lubrano A, Melchiorri G, Bernardini S, Calissano P, Sancesario G. Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels of a 20-22 kDa NH2 Fragment of Human Tau Provide a Novel Neuronal Injury Biomarker in Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias.
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